○   For Physical Properties of LiTaO3 please click here
○   For MSDS of LiTaO3 please click here
○   For th XRD Data of LiTaO3,please click here.
○  Usually LiTaO3 wafer is indexed as X cut, Y cut or Z cut with trigonal structure, it also can be indexed with hexagonal structure.    Conversion from the trigonal -index system to hexagonal as [u ' v ' w ' ] ---> [u v t w] is accomplished by the following formulas:
u = 1/3 ( 2u ' - v ' );   v = 1/3 ( 2v ' - u ' );   t = - ( u + v );   w = w '
For example : X cut =<1-210> ( =X cut ) , Z cut = <0001>

LiTaO3 X-cut 


LiTaO3 Y-cut 


LiTaO3 Z-cut 

조건별 검색
